Tasting 16 - Sangria - Sol de España

Wine: Sangria - Sol de España

Region: Cruzares

Country: Spain

Year: No Vintage

Online Review:
Spain - A true Sangria produced by Felix Solis, the number one Sangria producer in Spain. Easy drinking, fresh and fruity showing red fruit and citrus flavors intermingled with hints of cinnamon. Ready to drink right away this classic selection that will get any party started.

Source: https://www.totalwine.com/wine/fruit-wine/sangria/sol-de-espana-sangria/p/16984015

Folly: Page 282. A great deal of Spain’s value wine comes from Central Spain, particularly from Castilla-La Mancha and parts of Valencia (including Castilla VT). Still, you can find excellent quality reds here, usually at great prices. As you move farther South, you get into dominant plantings of Palomino Fino and Pedro Ximenez, which are used for Sherry of all kinds from dry to sweet.

My Review: 
This wine is mostly sweet with a very light body and low alcohol content. Since it is a Sangria, there is a lot of fruit present when smelling and tasting the wine, namely strawberries, orange, and maybe some more exotic fruits that I can't identify. The finish is smooth and leaves your mouth just a little dry - this wine is perfect for cheese.


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