Tasting 10 - Moscato - Liberty Creek

Wine: Moscato - Liberty Creek

Region: California

Country: USA

Year: No Vintage

Online Review:
Liberty Creek Moscato is sweet, crisp, and light-bodied with delicious flavors of peach and citrus. Perfect as a refreshing beverage by itself, it also pairs well with sweet desserts and spicy foods.

Source: https://drizly.com/wine/white-wine/moscato/liberty-creek-moscato/p23568

Folly: Page 254. This highly perfumed grape is used in a variety of styles and sweetness levels. Moscato d’Asti is delicately “frizzante,” Asti Spumante is fully effervescent, and there is also a dried “Passito” style found in Strevi. Look in Asti, Loazzolo, Strevi,

My Review: 
Throughout my journey of experimenting with different brands of Moscato, which is my favorite grape out of which the good people of California make wine, I have begun to notice slight differences in taste, aroma, and so on. The first thing that I noticed about the Liberty Creek Moscato is how prominent the flavor of peach was compared to a lot of the other Moscato's I have tried so far. The citrus hit after that initial impression, and it follows you into the aftertaste. But this time, the aftertaste has less of an oaky finish and more of a mellow acidic tang. This wine is also light-bodied like most white wines I have had, and I would highly recommend this one for the price.

I had this wine with no food.


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