

Hello! My name is Andrey Staroselskiy, and that is me above trying things on at Goodwill (it was the first picture I could find that was of just me :)) 

Wine experience:

I have a bit of experience with wine, and I have discovered that I primarily like white wines because they are not as sweet. I like certain red wines like Sangria, blackberry wines, cranberry, most viscous wines in general. But while I like almost all white wines, it is a gamble with the reds for me. Sometimes they are too dry, sometimes too concentrated, and other times I cannot even describe why I don't like them. Moscato's are probably one of my favorites, as my first few wine blogs have demonstrated :)

What to learn:

I hope to learn a lot more about wines so that I can not only make educated decisions in purchases, but also be able to intelligently discuss wine with my peers, co-workers, and enthusiasts. From the lectures I have already watched, I have genuinely found engaging because I learn so much in such a short amount of time. For example, what every type of glass is for, what kind of wine openers there are, how every single thing you do as a viniculturist and viticulturist to bring wine from the grape to the store affects the taste. I look forward to learn more about things I didn't even know I could learn more about!


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